CANDY TOO's profileAyai Sabli's profile

Rotoscope Animation: Kitchen

Motion Graphics Design
Task 2: Rotoscope Animation

Members: Amalina binti Sabli and Too Weng Thung (Candy)
For this week's task, we were assigned to create a 15-second rotoscope animation video using Adobe Photoshop.

Here is our planning-stage / mind-map:

At the end, we opt for cooking because that's on Amalina's expertise (she cooks a lot). We also decided to combine 2 videos together - one with her shredding carrots into a bowl of ingredients and another one where she is mixing the ingredients together from the same bowl.

After filming the videos, we imported it into Adobe Photoshop, where the rotoscoping happens.

First, we imported the first video into Photoshop by clicking on Open and selecting the video. Once the video is imported, the Timeline window automatically opens.

To change the frame rate, we click on the 4 horizontal lines on the right corner of the Timeline window > Set Timeline Frame Rate > Custom > 5 seconds. We wanted a more rough and choppy animation video. 
After that, we added a new layer by clicking Layers > Video Layers >  New Blank Video Layer. This is where we are going to draw the animation frame by frame by rotoscoping (or something like tracing the video). We dragged this new layer to the beginning of the video and applied paint brush.

Paint Brush: 6px - Black - Hard Round Brush

Then we started rotoscoping the video (mostly on the important subjects or elements of the video - eliminating the background). We also renamed all the Layers (for eg: Paint, Drawing, Background) so we won't be confused about which layer to draw on, which to paint and so on. 
We even removed the video layer (just clicking the eye next to the video under Layers) to check if it looks good without the video background. We also imported a background using a wooden counter top table as the background. Then using the colours similar to the video and started painting the hand, bowl, ingredients, shredder and spoon.

Here is the Colour Palette:
We repeated the same steps and process to the second video (the mixing ingredients in a bowl video).

At last, we exported it to mp4, added the title and credits at the end of the animation and combined the two videos together.

Finally here is the finished rotoscope animation (including the title and credits)!
Adobe Photoshop

That is all from us. Hope you guys enjoyed our work!
Rotoscope Animation: Kitchen

Rotoscope Animation: Kitchen

Both creators worked on creating animation, filming and doing the process work.
